1. 筋膜:1.筋膜(fascia) 位于肌表面,包括浅筋膜和深筋膜. (1)浅筋膜(superficial fascia)位于皮肤的真皮层下,又称皮下筋膜或皮下组织,由富含脂肪的疏松结缔组织构成,内含浅静脉、浅淋巴结、淋巴管及皮神经等. 浅筋膜的厚薄因身体部位、性别和营养状态而异,
2. 过梁横带(窗):farmland 耕地 | fascia 过梁横带(窗) | fatigue failure 疲劳损毁;疲劳破坏
3. 带, 饰带(店门面上的)招牌:glee 欢乐, 高兴 | fascia 带, 饰带(店门面上的)招牌 | fillet 头带, 带子, 肉片, 鱼片
4. 带:fasces 束棒 | fascia 带 | fasciae 饰带
1. (汽车的)仪表板
In a car, the fascia is the part surrounding the instruments and dials.
2. 招牌;门匾
The fascia on a shop front is the flat surface above the shop window, on which the name of the shop is written.
3. (可拆卸的)手机盖,手机壳
The fascia of a mobile phone is its detachable cover.