
fastening [ˈfɑ:snɪŋ]  [ˈfæsnɪŋ] 


fastening 基本解释



动词(使两物)系牢( fasten的现在分词 ); 系紧; 使牢固; (使)关紧

fastening 网络解释


1. 固定:fashion boot流行長靴 | fastening固定 | feather edge底邊緣

2. 扣紧:fastener 扣件 | fastening 扣紧 | faster 加快

3. 连接;连接物;固定:fastener 接合件;钩扣 | fastening 连接;连接物;固定 | fasteningiron 保温钩

4. 扣接:活键 feather key | 扣接 fastening | 结件 fastener

fastening 词典解释

1. 紧固件;扣件
    A fastening is something such as a clasp or zip that you use to fasten something and keep it shut.

    e.g. The sundress has a neat back zip fastening.

fastening 单语例句

1. Due to the inconvenience of carrying it, later people improved on it by fastening it to the belt.

2. The outstanding characteristics of Tianjin kites are the techniques of the framework and fastening and the colors of the designs.

3. The mother helps the girl put on a beautiful laced blouse and pleated skirt, fastening a waistband embroidered with flower patterns.

4. The steel frame tilted and pulled out a fastening bolt at the foot, which led to the crash of the entire structure.

fastening 英英释义



1. the act of fastening things together

    Synonym: attachment

2. restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place

    Synonym: fastener holdfast fixing