fatal accident

fatal accident [ˈfeitəl ˈæksidənt]  [ˈfetl ˈæksɪdənt] 

fatal accident 基本解释


fatal accident 网络解释

1. 失事:」回顾国际民航界1959年至1996年1,107件重大事故(All Accident),死亡失事(Fatal Accident)共422件,造成21,635人死亡,飞机全毁(Hull Loss)577件失事,已知原因者476件,其中可归究於人为因素者计349件(约占73.3%).

2. 死亡事故:fatal 致死,致命 | fatal accident 死亡事故 | fatal dose 致死量(引起中毒致死的最小剂量. )

3. 致命事故:fatal accident 死亡事故 | fatal accident 致命事故 | fatal error 致命错误

4. 人身事故:fata morgana 海市蜃楼的一种 | fatal accident 人身事故 | fatal accident 死亡事故

fatal accident 单语例句

1. fatal accident在线翻译

1. The county government has organized an investigation team to reach an overall conclusion about the fatal accident and console the relatives of Li.

2. Others involved in last year's fatal accident have been demoted and two face criminal charges, the reports said.

3. fatal accident的反义词

3. The tighter measures come in the wake of the fatal marine accident on Oct 1, when two vessels collided off Lamma Island and claimed 39 lives.

4. It was the second fatal accident in the area in two months.

5. Technical research should lead to the exact cause of the fatal accident.

6. This is not the first fatal accident of its kind in the province.

7. fatal accident什么意思

7. The latest fatal accident to hit China's coal industry occurred Thursday at the Xinsheng Coal Mine in Pingdingshan city in Henan province.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. The stock slumped 17 percent on Monday after its parent halted operations at a mine in Shanxi province following a fatal accident.

9. fatal accident

9. The only previous fatal accident at a Japanese nuclear power plant was in 1967, in a fire at a plant in Ibaraki prefecture just north of Tokyo.

10. fatal accident什么意思

10. The local work safety authorities have attempted to cover up the fatal accident by reporting that only five miners were trapped.

fatal accident 英英释义


1. fatal accident

1. an accident that causes someone to die

    Synonym: casualty