fatality rate

fatality rate [feɪˈtælɪti: reit]  [feˈtælɪti ret] 

fatality rate 基本解释

fatality rate的意思


fatality rate 网络解释

1. 病死率:五、病死率 病死率(fatality rate)表示一定期间内,患某病的全部病人中因该病而死亡的比例. 六、生存率 生存率(survival rate)是指患某种疾病的人(或接受某种治疗的某病病人)经n年的随访,到随访结束时仍存活的病例数所占的比例.

2. 致死率:fatality 死亡 | fatality rate 致死率 | fate 命运

3. 死亡率:死亡(率),致死(率) fatality | 死亡率 fatality rate | 疲劳 fatigue

4. 致命率:家庭劳务价格指数 family service price index | 致命率 fatality rate | 疲乏 fatigue

fatality rate 单语例句

1. The WHO said the cholera outbreak affected most regions of Zimbabwe with a fatality rate of up to 50 percent in some areas.

2. Germany typically sees a maximum of 50 to 60 annual cases of HUS, which has up to a 5 percent fatality rate according to the World Health Organization.

3. fatality rate

3. Pu blamed the high fatality rate on poor equipment, unqualified workers and low spending on protection facilities.

4. fatality rate的翻译

4. The fatality rate is much higher than in India and South Africa, and 100 times that in the United States.

5. Reports from some other sources have described a much higher civilian fatality rate.

6. Part of that stretch of road is referred to as the " road of death " due to its high fatality rate.

7. fatality rate的近义词

7. We can't really determine a fatality rate in humans for the recently discovered Ebola Tai strain.

8. Huang is concerned that the fatality rate might jump back up next year as China's economy recovers.

fatality rate 英英释义

fatality rate在线翻译


1. the ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area
    expressed per 1000 per year

    Synonym: deathrate death rate mortality mortality rate