
fatty [ˈfæti]  [ˈfæti] 






fatty 基本解释


形容词油腻的; 配胖的; 多脂肪的


fatty 相关例句


1. You'll get even fatter if you eat so many potatoes every day.

fatty 网络解释


1. 脂肪的:fattimeconstant 快时间常数 | fatty 脂肪的 | fatty 脂肪的油脂的

2. 含脂肪的:fattish 颇肥的 | fatty 含脂肪的 | fattysebaceous 脂肪的

3. 脂肪的,含脂肪的,脂肪状的,[医]脂肪过多:fast 耐久的,牢固的 | fatty 脂肪的,含脂肪的,脂肪状的,[医]脂肪过多 | feeding damage 食物危害,摄食危害

fatty 词典解释

1. (食物)含脂肪多的,肥的,高脂的
    Fatty food contains a lot of fat.

    e.g. Don't eat fatty food or chocolates...
    e.g. The report dispels the myth that Northerners have a fattier diet than people in the south.

2. (酸、组织等)含脂肪的
    Fatty acids or fatty tissues, for example, contain or consist of fat.

    e.g. ...fatty acids...
    e.g. The woman lost about 1.8kg of fatty tissue during the week's fast.
           那个女人在禁食一星期后减脂约 1.8 公斤。

3. 胖子;胖墩;肥仔
    If you call someone a fatty, you are criticizing or insulting them for being fat.

    e.g. Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties...
    e.g. 'Get another one, Fatty,' said Jerry.

fatty 单语例句

1. fatty的翻译

1. Doctors perform bypass operations when these arteries become blocked by cholesterol or fatty material called plaque.

2. fatty什么意思

2. Whenever a blockbuster makes headlines, one can expect the Fatty edition of the poster to follow close on its heels.

3. fatty的反义词

3. I make a protein cookie where I substitute all the fatty ingredients with healthy ones, such as coconut oil and egg whites.

4. They are replacing fruits and vegetables with fatty meals full of meat and salt, which is leading to increases in stomach and colon cancers.

5. The consumption of fatty fish and fish oil capsules have been assumed to have similar effects.

6. The duck was a little less appreciated - quite fatty, but with lots of flavours.

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7. It is a must during the Spring Festival as it can help to dispel a hang over and the unwelcome effects of fatty foods.

8. The loss of the LPA receptors also affected the rodents'level of prostaglandin, a fatty acid essential for normal implantation.

9. fatty什么意思

9. Beijingers preferred fatty Peking roast duck, and used pork fat to extract the oil for frying.

10. fatty的解释

10. The age of fatty liver patients tends to be falling, Zeng said.

fatty 英英释义


1. a rotund individual

    Synonym: fatso fat person roly-poly butterball


1. containing or composed of fat

    e.g. fatty food
           fat tissue

    Synonym: fat