
favored ['feɪvəd]  [ˈfevəd] 






favored 基本解释


形容词有利的; 受到优待的; 有天赋的; 受优惠的

动词赞成; 支持( favor的过去式和过去分词 ); 照顾; 促成

favored 相关例句



1. He sat in his (most) favored corner by the fire.

favored 网络解释

1. 优待的:favorably 顺利地 | favored 优待的 | favorer 爱顾者

2. 受惠的:favorablepraise 嘉许 | favored 受惠的 | favorerfavourer 赞同者

3. 有利的,受惠的:优越,高傲superiority | 有利的,受惠的favored | 障碍obstacle

4. 有利的,受优待的:favorable 良好的,赞成的,有利的 | favored 有利的,受优待的 | feasible 可行的

favored 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. This website is favored by those who want to share comments on indie movies, music and books.

2. Companies in fast expansion period are favored by over half of the investment, but those in the initial stages received less investment capital.

3. The survey also showed equities continued to be the most actively used asset class, and gold the most favored hedging instrument this year.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The singer clearly favored his mother as caretaker for his children, designating her as his top choice in his will.

5. Delegates from both Turkey and Qatar favored a diplomatic approach, warning a military showdown is an ineffective solution that may prove catastrophic to the region.

6. favored

6. Warrior was still available, but mostly favored by grandmas for grocery shopping or grandpas for outdoor tai chi.

7. The Chinese white dolphin has been voted the most favored marine animal by Hong Kong people on the web.

8. A Christmas tree stands in the middle of the room, surrounded with Kitty balloons - a favored spot for taking pictures in the restaurant.

9. Hu's proposal is in conformity with the five principles of peaceful coexistence and an independent foreign policy of peace favored by China.

10. favored是什么意思

10. Khadafy has long favored the establishment of a United States of Africa as a means of ridding the continent of what he calls Western colonialism.

favored 英英释义


1. favored

1. preferred above all others and treated with partiality

    e.g. the favored child

    Synonym: favorite(a) favourite(a) best-loved pet preferred preferent