FAX 基本解释


FAX 情景对话


A:What’s the matter?

B:How do I use this (copy machine/ fax machine/ hole-puncher)?

International Trade-Shipping-(国际贸易-运输)

A:Hello, I’m calling from San Francisco for Kevin Lee.

B:This is Kevin Lee speaking.

A:Hi. This is Helen Parker calling.

B:Good morning, Helen. What can I do for you?
      早安, 海伦。有什么我能效劳的吗?

A:I'm calling to find out how you would like your order of speakers, by air or by sea?

B:We need part of that order by next week, so we would like to do a partial air shipment.

A:How much of it do you want shipped by air?

B:We'd like to ship half the order by air and the rest by sea.

A:OK. Do you want us to use our freight forwarding agent?

B:Actually, we've got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated. I'll fax you their contact information.

A:All right. We can deliver that half to your agent tomorrow morning.

B:That would be great.

A:I'm not sure what the shipping schedule will be for the sea freight.

B:No hurry. We're not in a big rush for the second half of the order.

A:All right. I'll let you know the shipping details later and I'll send you the shipping documents by DHL as soon as I get them.
      好的。我稍后再通知你送货细节,我一拿到出货文件就马上用DHL 快递给你。

B:Very good. We'll be expecting to hear from you. And thanks for calling.

International Trade-(国际贸易)

A:Hello. Sales Department. This is Betty Fields speaking.

B:Hello, Ms Fields. This is Ralph Peterson at World Computers.

A:Yes, how may I help you?

B:I'm interested in a couple of items in your new catalog, and I would like to know the prices.

A:Great. We're offering a special promotional price on a few of the items. Which items did you have in mind?

B:We're particularly interested in your new RS-five sound card shown on page five of your catalog. I would also like more details about the model RS-four card on page seven.
      我们特别中意你们目录第五页里的新型RS-5 的声卡。我还想知道更多关于第七页里RS-4 型声卡的细节。

A:OK. The price on the RS-five is forty-five U.S. dollars for quantities up to five hundred units. Then we offer quantity discounts for larger orders.
      好的。数量有达到五百片的话,RS-5 的价格是四十五美元。大量定购的话我们还有折扣。

B:And the price on the RS-four?
      那RS-4 的价格呢?

A:The RS-four is one of our promotional items this month. For orders received by the end of the month, the price is thirty-three dollars each. That price is good on any size order.
      RS-4 是我们本月的促销产品之一,本月底前接到订单的话,单价是三十三美元。不管定单数量多少都是这个价格。

B:That price sounds good. Could you send me more details about the RS-four, including the specifications?
      这个价格听起来不错。你可以寄给我更详细的RS-4 型的资料和说明书吗?

A:Certainly. I can fax or E-mail that information to you this afternoon.

B:Terrific. I'll get back to you after I've reviewed the details. Thank you. Good-bye.

FAX 网络解释


1. (传真服务):客户端运行前端处理软件(Front End Software),服务器端则运行后端处理软件(Back End SoftWare),依据不同的用途提供不同的服务,如数据库服务(如SQL SERVER)、邮件信息服务(MAIL)及传真服务(FAX)等.

2. 传真号码:在名字的下方写下你的联系地址,出生日期(DOB),传真号码(Fax)最重要的是,你的电话号码(Tel). 这样的话,十有八九你所申请的公司会通过电话联系你,确定对你进行面试. 具体格式如下:

3. 传真机:在同类产品中无论是价格还是功能方面均占有明显的优势,下面将为大家做详细的介绍. 天美意FX2000传真机(FAX) 介绍十大最受关注的传真机(FAX)新闻十大最受关注的传真机(FAX)产品十大热门传真机(FAX)驱动/软件下载

4. fax:(facsimile 传真(设备,系统,传输)

FAX 词典解释

1. 传真机
    A fax or a fax machine is a piece of equipment used to copy documents by sending information electronically along a telephone line, and to receive copies that are sent in this way.

    e.g. ...a modern reception desk with telephone and fax...
    e.g. These days, cartoonists send in their work by fax.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 用传真机发送
    If you fax a document to someone, you send it from one fax machine to another.

    e.g. I faxed a copy of the agreement to each of the investors...
    e.g. Did you fax him a reply?...

3. FAX的解释

3. 传真件
    You can refer to a copy of a document that is transmitted by a fax machine as a fax .

    e.g. I sent him a long fax, saying I didn't need a maid.
    e.g. ...a 2,000 word fax message.
           一份 2,000 词的传真

FAX 单语例句

1. Spokespeople for China's Commerce Ministry and cabinet news office did not immediately respond to requests by phone and fax for comment.

2. FAX

2. The production of telephones dropped by eight percent from last year while fax machines dived by 27 percent.

3. A fax to the NDRC's press office for comment was unanswered.

4. The court heard he supplied information involving state secrets and intelligence he received from others in Beijing to Xue and Dai via fax and email.

5. Members of the public are invited to make submissions on the draft revision to the ministry via fax and email before September 12.

6. The PBOC didn't reply to a fax from Bloomberg seeking more details on the licensing procedures and the banks who have submitted applications.

7. Groups can fax their applications and the ID numbers of the visitors to the office two days ahead of their visit.

8. A fax shown to the journalists said the permits were cancelled at the request of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.

9. In a fax to the Sichuan organizing committee, the Miss Universe headquarters says Chen is disqualified because she is a transsexual.

10. Some telecommute to their jobs from home by computer, fax machine or even just a telephone.