feather boa

feather boa [ˈfeðə ˈbəʊə]  [ˈfɛðɚ ˈboə] 

feather boa 基本解释
feather boa 网络解释

1. 女用长围巾:frolicking 嬉戏,嬉闹 | feather boa 女用长围巾 | reveal 显示,透露

2. 羽毛围巾:Heirloom传家宝 | Feather boa羽毛围巾 | Mink貂皮衣

feather boa 双语例句

feather boa

1. And he had taken hold of the end of her ostrich feather boa.

2. The only heirloom I ever got was a feather boa.

3. Chandler: The only heirloom I ever got was a feather boa. Got it from my dad. He got itfrom his dad. How did I ever get born?

4. He went from wrestling in tights and a feather boa to stumping across the state in jeans and a leather jacket discussing policy with legislators in suits and ties.

5. His toilet lid is wrapped in aqua chiffon with a purple feather boa border and the room is decorated with flower petals and a picture of Pierre's girlfriend, Gigi.

6. The women wear million yen kimono, 50, 000 yen shoes and bag, and have spend three hours at the beauty shop having their hair done, makeup put on and the kimono arranged (ordinary people can't put on kimono), this costs another 50, 000 yen... then there is the obligatory formal portrait (yet another 50, 000 yen), the taxis, the feather boa and so on.

7. The company`s mainly products include:American turkey boa, south Africa ostrich feather, feather flower, feather trimming, feather mask, feather fan, feather wing and other feather fascinator.

8. The company`s mainly products include:American turkey boa, south Africa ostrich feather, feather flower, feather trimming, feather mask, feather fan, feather wing and other feather fascinator. The company also can produce the product according to the customers` sample.

9. The company's mainly products include: American turkey boa, south Africa ostrich feather, feather flower, feather trimming, feather mask, feather fan, feather wing and other feather fascinator.

feather boa是什么意思

10. If I thought the BBC would organise a party for me and give me a pink feather boa if I messed up, I would barely be moved to try at all.


11. A recent Harvard Business Review blog argues that failure is so fantastic that organisations ought to hold a regular fail-fest at which employees wear a pink feather boa and celebrate their cock-ups.

feather boa 英英释义



1. a long thin fluffy scarf of feathers or fur

    Synonym: boa