
feathers ['feðəz]  ['feðəz] 






feathers 基本解释
羽毛( feather的名词复数 );
feathers 网络解释


1. 羽毛:另一篇小说<<羽毛>>(Feathers)写叙事者和他的妻子到另一对夫妇家里做客,他们在主人家中碰到一些奇怪甚至骇人的事情:这家人养了一只孔雀,身上有味道,不时发出怪叫,但主人竟然允许这只鸟走进房间里来散步;而他们刚刚出生的孩子长得其丑无比,

2. 羽状裂缝:feather 滑键 | feathers 羽状裂缝 | feature extracton 特徵萃取,特徵提取

3. 翅膀:追踪 pursuit | 翅膀 feathers | 翅膀 feathers

4. 羽毛,羽饰:fashion sense 流行感 | feathers 羽毛,羽饰 | feminine 有女性气质的,女性化的,阴柔的,女性化

feathers 单语例句

1. He and other researchers say the findings also strongly suggest these are feathers and not cartilage or some other tissue.

2. An earlier study by another group of researchers and Benton's team found similar cellular color hints in prehistoric bird feathers.

3. They fly through the park shrieking and squawking, their chartreuse feathers flashing.

4. The feathers come off when the clay is broken while the lotus leaves add a fresh fragrance to the meat.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. Researchers in the University of Delaware's ACRES program Affordable Composites from Renewable Sources have developed a computer processor made from chicken feathers.

6. " Some processes require us to clean feathers more and that adds cost to the process, " he said.

7. It was the time haute couture was invented in Paris and exotic furs and feathers dominated the fashion scene.

8. Often depicted as wearing a robe and holding a fan made of crane feathers, he exudes cool even in today's popular culture.

9. They are feathers for every wind that blows, vulnerable to demagogue and democrat alike.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. Located in a dim and shallow niche, the statue looks like a giant gilded peacock splaying its extravagant feathers.