1. A federal court in California has held that the Clean Water Act applies to ballast water and ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate discharges.
2. The federal agency must certify aircraft before they can enter service, a milestone Boeing must achieve before deliveries can begin.
3. The federal Environmental Protection Agency is considering whether to set a limit for hexavalent chromium in tap water.
4. The study was conducted by the city health department and the federal Centers for Disease Control's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
5. The admiral this week created a team including officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help with the damage claims.
6. Federal Emergency Management Agency planned to conduct a damage assessment on Monday.
7. The US Federal Emergency Management agency still was uncertain about the timing of evacuations along the coast.
8. Experts from the federal environment monitoring agency have been assessing the environmental damage.
9. The House passed legislation on Thursday to fund federal agency operations for yet another week - but also includes $ 12 billion in additional cuts.
10. An agency called the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight accused Fannie Mae of hiding changes in its value.