feed through

feed through [fi:d θru:]  [fid θru] 

feed through 基本解释
feed through 网络解释

1. 馈通:相内(I)路径和正交(Q)路径之间的DC偏置平衡决定了载波馈通(feed through)量. 就发送器工作而言,抑制或消除载波非常关键,因为它非常接近於目标讯号. 讯号路径间的振幅和相位平衡将决定镜像讯号或不需要的边带抑制. 与DC偏置情况类似,

2. 给进:feed forward 向前馈送,前馈 | feed-through 给进 | feed-through cell 给送单元

3. 直通:三通闸阀 treble ported slide valve | 直通 direct connection; straight in; straight bore; through; feed(-)through; once-through | 直通测量线路 end-to-end measurement

4. 连接线:feed-through 联结线 | feed-through 连接线 | feed-voltage 馈电电压

feed through 单语例句

1. Many parents and teachers still consider it taboo to talk to their children about sex, leaving the adolescents to feed their curious minds through cyberspace.

2. He explained that the waste water flows through three towers with different types of bacteria that feed on the pollutants.

3. External shocks affect the offshore exchange rate first, and then feed through to the onshore exchange rate.

4. When fear retreats, the derivative positions change and these changes feed through to the physical market.

5. At least one preliminary test to model how movements in the index would feed through to futures has already been conducted.

6. " It will feed through to tighter cash flow for infrastructure projects, " he said.

7. feed through的反义词

7. The membranes inside her mouth and oesophagus fell away whenever they tried to feed her through a tube.

8. On Sunday Angel Mom posted a message online stating that the hospital tried to feed Du through a tube.

9. feed through

9. The stables didn't have enough feed for the horses to last through the blockade, he said.

10. Airlines were affected by high world oil prices, which feed through to aviation fuel costs.