feel sad

feel sad

feel sad 单语例句

1. That's OK if they feel depressed and sad psychologically about their imperfection and feel better inside after plastic surgery.

2. I feel it is sad that the foreign couple felt bad they hadn't been invited to the Chinese house.

3. feel sad

3. It is sad that these young men and women should feel compelled to take their lives in such a horrific way.

4. One can only feel sad to learn of healthy young men and women committing suicide.

5. feel sad的翻译

5. Menage a 13 is another signature work of Lai that brings the laughs in one scene while unconsciously making you feel sad for the characters.

6. feel sad的反义词

6. I didn't feel sad or anything when I read the news.

7. You can't but feel sad looking at the beheaded or otherwise disfigured statues.

8. It is not like a neighbourhood where you grow up and feel sad about leaving.

9. So I feel a little bit sad for him on that point, but I think Marcus Camby deserves it.

10. " I feel a bid sad while cherishing the memory of the KMT martyrs, " said Chiang.