fellow sufferers

fellow sufferers

fellow sufferers 双语例句

1. He has corralled 42 fellow sufferers in Port Sudan, on the Red Sea, to form one of the country's most active AIDS-support groups.

2. Would that heaven might inspire some Jersey maid to spirit up her countrymen, and save her fair fellow sufferers from ravage and ravishment!...

3. Let us remember that they are fellow-sufferers in the same darkness, actors in the same tragedy with ourselves.

4. They should meet as friends, as fellow-sufferers, as innocent but philosophic victims of a great social law

5. Finding myself once again at a low ebb of this kind, I put myself in the hands of the employment office and was sent with seven other fellow-sufferers to Wunsiedel's factory, where we were to undergo an aptitude test.

6. Nearly all his fellow-sufferers in the queue have booked their air tickets and sometimes their entire holiday on the internet, paying with a credit card.

fellow sufferers的意思

7. Let us not weigh in grudging scales their merits and demerits, but let us think only of their need--of the sorrows, the difficulties, perhaps the blindnesses, that make the misery of their lives; let us remember that they are fellow-sufferers in the same darkness, actors in the same tragedy with ourselves.

8. Right away I realized something that my fellow-sufferers evidently failed to realize: that this breakfast was already part of the test; so I chewed away reverently, with the full appreciation of a person who knows he is supplying his body with valuable elements.

9. This is one black one white fellow sufferers actually falling in love with a woman --- Gelisisang embankment Yage, is also the bureau of the police, They recently become a working partner.

10. Admitting her disorder gave support to fellow sufferers.


11. Most of her fellow sufferers thought it would help them recover.

12. Help and concern of all aspects from society is also given to Zhu and her fellow sufferers.

13. The water supply and the sanitation facility are also international development cooperation pair of fellow sufferers.

14. She received many letters of support from fellow sufferers.

fellow sufferers什么意思

15. The wounded fellow sufferers commiserate with each other.

16. The sessions will enable you to discuss problems with fellow asthma sufferers.

17. But it seems clear that patients are going online to get more information on their illness, to see what other consumers think of new medications and to get emotional support from fellow sufferers.

18. Tengchong People's Hospital is crowded and decaying and full of patients who look in terrible shape and are seeking any edge to move ahead of their fellow sufferers and see a doctor.

19. Last year, the web guru Jeff Jarvis wrote on his blog about his difficulties with Dell and provoked an enormous, sympathetic response from fellow sufferers.

20. David Beckham and Michael Owen are fellow sufferers as both are ruled out of England's squad for the World Cup finals by injuries.