
ferocity [fəˈrɒsəti]  [fəˈrɑ:səti] 


ferocity 基本解释

名词暴行; 凶猛,残暴

ferocity 相关例句


1. The attack was resumed with a new ferocity.

ferocity 网络解释


1. 凶猛残暴:创口被撕裂的目标不能被治疗2.神力之击(Power Strike) 增加攻击力,增加的数值等于当前魔力 3.凶猛残暴(Ferocity) 对敌方造成伤害时恢复自己生命,

2. 凶猛:ferociously 野蛮地 | ferocity 凶猛 | ferox 大湖鳟

3. 攻击吸魔法:eyes of rohan 寻宝率上升 | ferocity 攻击吸魔法 | axe throw 扔斧

4. 凶暴:Viper 毒蛇 | Ferocity 凶暴 | Subtlety 敏锐

ferocity 词典解释

1. 凶猛;狂暴;激烈
    The ferocity of something is its fierce or violent nature.

    e.g. The armed forces seem to have been taken by surprise by the ferocity of the attack.

ferocity 单语例句

1. Even the most deft investors have been flipped by the ferocity of selling and risk reduction in markets.

2. ferocity

2. Experts at ambush, the Kachin terrorized the enemy with stealth and ferocity.

3. A police official said the ferocity of the clashes prevented police from nearing the area.

4. She's fighting this battle like she's fought every other, with ferocity and grim determination.

5. ferocity的解释

5. Adding to the ferocity of competitions in the market will be the Christie's autumn auction of Asian Contemporary Art in Hong Kong on November 26.

6. ferocity的反义词

6. The speed and ferocity of the region's economic downturn have shocked even the pessimists.

ferocity 英英释义


1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. the property of being wild or turbulent

    e.g. the storm's violence

    Synonym: fierceness furiousness fury vehemence violence wildness