ferrous metals

ferrous metals

ferrous metals 基本解释

ferrous metals什么意思

黑色金属; 铁基金属; [化] 铁类金属; 铁三素组(指铁钴镍)

ferrous metals 网络解释

1. 黑色金属:77.060 Corrosion of metals 金属的腐蚀 | 77.080 Ferrous metals 黑色金属 | 77.080.01 Ferrous metals in general 黑色金属综合

2. 黑色金属(铁、锰、铬):KONUKIEWITZ, Manfred;曼弗雷德.科努基维茨;; | ferrous metals;黑色金属(铁、锰、铬; | OLSZOWKA, Andrej;安德烈.奥尔绍夫卡;;

3. 的全文例句:Ferrous metals的例句: | Ferrous metals的全文例句: | Ferrous metals的相关翻译词汇:

4. 的例句:含重金属离子废水:heavy metals wastewater | Ferrous metals的例句: | Ferrous metals的全文例句:

ferrous metals 单语例句

1. Export tax rebate for non - ferrous metals and furniture will be raised to 13 percent, according to the notice.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Ferrous metals will be taxed at two to 30 yuan per metric ton.

3. Profits from the power industry rose 170 percent in the period while profits from ferrous metals mining increased 140 percent.