
fertile [ˈfɜ:taɪl]  [ˈfɜ:rtl] 

fertile 基本解释

形容词肥沃的; 可繁殖的; 想象力丰富的

fertile 同义词


形容词productive abundant prolific fruitful fecund

fertile 反义词

形容词sterile barren

fertile 相关例句



1. Most chicken eggs are not fertile.

2. The land is so fertile that three crops a year can grow.

3. He is fertile of imagination.

4. A large area of desert was reformed to turn to fertile soil in the northwest region.

5. Some fish are very fertile; they lay 1000's of eggs.

fertile 网络解释

1. 肥沃的:在肥沃的(fertile)土地上有一片丛林(jungle),树下的小河被大风(gale)吹成了冰河(glacier)他的本能(instinct)有助于(avail)他达到(attain)无敌的(invincible)地步.

2. 增加生育:Brave勇敢 | Fertile增加生育 | InspiringSpeaker天生的演说家

3. 肥沃,多产的:ferry 渡船,以船渡(人,货),用飞机运送 | fertile 肥沃,多产的 | indifferent 不感兴趣,漠不关心的

fertile 词典解释

1. (土地、土壤)肥沃的,丰腴的
    Land or soil that is fertile is able to support the growth of a large number of strong healthy plants.

    e.g. ...fertile soil.
    e.g. ...the rolling fertile countryside of East Cork.

He was able to bring large sterile acreages back to fertility.

2. 主意多的;富有创意的
    A fertile mind or imagination is able to produce a lot of good, original ideas.

    e.g. ...a product of Flynn's fertile imagination...
    e.g. A chess player must have a fertile imagination and rich sense of fantasy.

3. fertile是什么意思

3. (环境或条件)易于…的,有助于…的,适于…的
    A situation or environment that is fertile in relation to a particular activity or feeling encourages the activity or feeling.

    e.g. ...a fertile breeding ground for this kind of violent racism.

4. fertile

4. 能生育的;可繁殖的
    A person or animal that is fertile is able to reproduce and have babies or young.

    e.g. The operation cannot be reversed to make her fertile again.

Doctors will tell you that pregnancy is the only sure test for fertility.
fertile 单语例句

1. Luoyang National New & High Tech Industry Development Zone is located in Central China, a fertile land where the ancient civilization and modern civilization coexist.

2. This fertile land allowed the people there to live and work in peace and contentment.

3. Other species advertise when they are at their most fertile by changing color, releasing powerful scents or - like chimpanzees - exhibiting swollen genitals.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. Just as coalition troops are doing today, they fought their way up the fertile crescent toward Baghdad.

5. The fertile grasslands of Inner Mongolia also allow for plenty of cattle, adding many diary products to the daily Mongolian diet.

6. The flood submerged the fertile farmland and people became destitute and homeless.

7. fertile

7. The fertile and soft brown soil, plenty of rain and small lakes dot the plantation.

8. Since China is transforming farming into agribusiness, the sustainable practice of keeping the land fertile is being lost.

9. fertile

9. Erosion made the land less fertile or turned the soil into sand, and could affect agricultural production and lead to more frequent natural disasters such as drought.

10. Suzhou is known as a " heavenly city " in history because of it ethereal scenery, fertile lands and rich folk culture.

fertile 英英释义



1. fertile在线翻译

1. capable of reproducing

2. marked by great fruitfulness

    e.g. fertile farmland
           a fat land
           a productive vineyard
           rich soil

    Synonym: fat productive rich

3. bearing in abundance especially offspring

    e.g. flying foxes are extremely prolific
           a prolific pear tree

    Synonym: prolific

4. intellectually productive

    e.g. a prolific writer
           a fecund imagination

    Synonym: fecund prolific