
fervor [ˌfɜ:və]  [ˈfə:vɚ] 

fervor 基本解释


fervor 同义词


fervor 反义词



fervor 网络解释

1. 热诚:fertilizer 肥料 | fervor 热诚 | festival 节庆

2. 群情激昂:169 Boil 沸腾 5 | 174 Fervor 群情激昂 5 | 180 Flashfires 火烧旷野 5

3. 热心:ferva 热心的 fervid | fervo 热心 fervor | festeno 宴会,酒席 feast

fervor 单语例句

1. The donation fervor has also caused a local shortage of Tibetan tea bricks, an essential ingredient for the famous Tibetan yak butter tea.

2. fervor的意思

2. Chang was acutely concerned about the downside of a sweeping nationalistic fervor.

3. People viewed it with such religious fervor that many lines turned into code words among the young generation.

4. The consolidation fervor helped overshadow concerns about weaker demand from the housing and auto sectors, as well as a potential inventory glut and falling prices.

5. Who's to say which is the truer experience of embarrassment, between the fervor of adolescence and the relative nonchalance of adults?

6. You may find extra stamina to delve into your work with newfound fervor.

7. Streisand seemed a bit ill at ease at times, though she soon warmed up thanks to the audience's fervor.

8. In my view, this situation was the very embodiment of our rising and overwhelming patriotic fervor.

9. He quietly hid one of their feather suits and then went over to them fervor.

10. fervor

10. However, club president Luo Ning is trying to keep a lid on the fans'fervor.

fervor 英英释义



1. feelings of great warmth and intensity

    e.g. he spoke with great ardor

    Synonym: ardor ardour fervour fervency fire fervidness

2. the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up

    e.g. his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled
           he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation

    Synonym: excitement excitation inflammation fervour