
fibula [ˈfɪbjələ]  [ˈfɪbjələ] 


fibula 基本解释



fibula 网络解释

1. 腓骨:剑龙的前肢与后肢相较之下非常地短,由[[腓骨]](fibula)与[[胫骨]](tibia)所组成的下半部比[[股骨]](femur;前肢的一部分)更短. 这显示它们并不能非常快速地行走,因为后肢的脚步会受到前肢的限制,

2. 腓骨,翅扣(昆虫):fibrocartilaginous 耻骨间纤维软骨板,耻骨间盘,纤维软骨的 | fibula 腓骨,翅扣(昆虫) | heal 愈合,痊愈

3. 扣针:fibula 腓骨 | fibula 扣针 | fibular 腓骨的

4. 腓骨; 扣衣针, 饰针 (名):fibrous 纤维的; 纤维构成的; 纤维状的 (形) | fibula 腓骨; 扣衣针, 饰针 (名) | fibular 腓骨的 (形)

fibula 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 腓骨
    Your fibula is the outer bone of the two bones in the lower part of your leg.

fibula 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The Lakers initially announced Nash had simply bruised his leg, but the MRI exam revealed a small fracture on the head of his fibula.

2. Arsenal's Eduardo da Silva has forgiven Birmingham City defender Martin Taylor for the tackle that left him with a fractured left fibula and dislocated ankle.

3. fibula什么意思

3. NBA commissioner David Stern made the substitutions because Yao is sidelined with a right knee injury and Boozer is out with a broken left fibula.

fibula 英英释义


1. the outer and thinner of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle

    Synonym: calf bone