fight off

fight off [fait ɔf]  [faɪt ɔf] 

fight off 基本解释

在战斗[自卫]中击败(某人); 竭力摆脱[驱走,阻止,回避…]; 辟

fight off 网络解释

fight off是什么意思

1. 击退:fight like Kilkenny cats 拚到两败俱伤 | fight off 击退 | fight one's battle over again 回忆经历过的战斗

2. 击退,竭力摆脱:fight for ... 为... 而斗争 | fight off 击退,竭力摆脱 | fight on 继续战斗

3. 决赛:fight 打架 | fight-off 决赛 | fighter plane 战斗机

4. 抵抗,击退,避开:701festivityn. 欢宴,欢庆 | 702fight off抵抗,击退,避开 | 703figure out解决,算出;理解,弄清楚

fight off 词典解释
fight off是什么意思
fight off 单语例句

1. fight off

1. Di Canio has defended his action and called on his club to fight off any disciplinary action.

2. But Rossi's aversion to the Motegi circuit will offer Hayden a ray of hope as he tries to fight off the Italian's charge.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The treatment put the patient into a chemically induced coma to let the body fight off the virus.

4. China's decision to send warships to help fight pirates in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia is historic.

5. China says the navy task force being sent to the seas off Somalia to fight piracy is confident and capable.

6. He also lost his student visa, but the immigration courts have held off on deportation proceedings because of the custody fight.


7. Firewood was widely used by people in the Guge Kingdom to fight off the cold winters brought by the high elevation.

8. Analysts said the move was a way to fend off archrival Snow in the fight for the nation's beer market.

9. fight off的翻译

9. Domain name registration for individuals was called off Dec 14 in the fight against pornographic websites.

10. " The system was designed to fight off extremely heavy rainfall, " said Xi.

fight off 英英释义


1. force or drive back

    e.g. repel the attacker
           fight off the onslaught
           rebuff the attack

    Synonym: repel repulse rebuff drive back