figure on

figure on [ˈfiɡə ɔn]  [ˈfɪɡjɚ ɑn] 

figure on 基本解释

预料; <美口>指望; 计划

figure on 相关例句


1. I hadn't figured on meeting her there.

figure on 网络解释


1. 把...估计在内;指望:figure for 谋取,企图获取 | figure on 把...估计在内;指望 | figure out 计算出;估计;理解

2. 估计:figure of speech 修辞硌 | figure on 估计 | figure out 计算出

3. 指望、计划、打算:fight for sth. 为了......而斗争 | figure on 指望、计划、打算 | fool sb. into doing sth. 哄骗某人做某事

4. 料想;估计:I figured you'd want tea. 我想你是要茶. | figure on 料想;估计 | We figure on your coming early to help us.我们指望你们会早些来帮助我们.

figure on 词典解释
figure on的近义词
figure on 单语例句

1. A college student who collects used plates in a university canteen to pay for his studies has become a popular figure on the Internet.

2. The " Blue Paper " said the figure was based on the current cost of living in the capital.

3. figure on的近义词

3. And no one can really expect car drivers to figure out their individual contribution to the country's growing dependence on foreign oil.

4. figure on的解释

4. Watts sparked rumors she was pregnant after appearing on the red carpet at the Oscar ceremony on Sunday with a noticeably fuller figure.

5. Two books about the Empress Dowager cast new light on the iconic ruler and controversial historical figure.

6. figure on是什么意思

6. Gisele delivered the tot on December 32009 and just weeks later the catwalk beauty has regained her incredible figure.

7. figure on的意思

7. " It is me, " Zhang pointed at the centre figure on the poster.

8. While China is chasing its first gold medal in the Olympic figure skating, traditional powerhouse Russia will attempt to sweep all the four golds on offer in Turin.

9. He said the department could not offer a " ballpark " figure on how many claims had been collected but not yet captured in the department's report.


10. MySpace declined to comment on the figure, focusing instead on its efforts to clean up its profile rolls.