figure up

figure up [ˈfiɡə ʌp]  [ˈfɪɡjɚ ʌp] 

figure up 基本解释

<美口>计算, (把…)加起来

figure up 网络解释

1. 计算...,把...总加起来:figure out 计算出;估计;理解 | figure up 计算...,把...总加起来 | fill in 填充,填写,临时代替

2. 计算:figure skater 花样滑冰运动员 | figure up 计算 | figure 外形

3. 合计:figure out算出 | figure up合计 | file a claim against向--提出索赔

4. 结账:Figure on doing sth. 打算 | Figure up 结账 | Figure out 算出,解决

figure up 词典解释
figure up在线翻译
figure up 单语例句

1. The religious figure carving has preserved and followed a beautiful woodcarving tradition in China up to the present day.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The figure was up from 123 million at the end of June, according to the government's China Internet Network Information Center.

3. figure up是什么意思

3. But figure skating is anything but predictable, and the only certainty is that someone will come along to shake things up.

4. He has to figure out how to change his game up here and there.

5. figure up什么意思

5. MySpace declined to comment on the figure, focusing instead on its efforts to clean up its profile rolls.

6. figure up

6. While children continue to come up against widespread misunderstanding of their condition, scientists are trying to figure out the genetic cause of the disease.

7. figure up是什么意思

7. Analysts said institutional investors began unloading shareholdings after the CPI figure was released, on the back of several recent measures to mop up excess liquidity in the market.

8. The figure is up from 25 percent for the second quarter of this year, the report said.

9. If you're an adult magazine publisher, you may not be able to figure out which way is up these days.

10. Wang Meng won the women's 500 meters at the Turin Olympics and grew up to a leading figure in China's short track.