
film [fɪlm]  [fɪlm] 






film 基本解释


名词电影; 影片; 胶片; 薄层

及物/不及物动词(把…)拍摄(成)电影[电视等]; 上镜头

及物动词(给…)覆上一薄层; 生薄膜; 变得朦胧

film 相关例句


1. She filmed a slice of bread with butter.

2. He filmed the wedding ceremony.

3. The story won't film well.


1. He films ill.


1. Who stars in that film?

2. The mirror is covered with a film of dust.

film 情景对话



B:Do you have any extra-curricular activities?

A:Sure. I’m (on the soccer team/ in the film club/ learning piano).*


A:What do you want to do tonight?

B:Do you want to see a movie? I heard there’s a new horror film playing tonight.

A:You know I don’t like horror films!

B:I’m only teasing. There’s also an adventure film and a cartoon playing tonight.

A:What’s the cartoon? Is it the new Pixar film about cars?

B:Yes, that’s the name, actuallB: Cars.

A:That might be a good way to start the weekend. I’m not in the mood for anything too heavy.

B:I know what you mean. We’ve both had a tough week.

A:Which theater is Cars playing at?

B:It’s at the Paramount 16.

A:That’s the one on the west side of town, right?

B:Yeah, it should only take about 15 minutes to get there.
      是的,只要15 分钟就能到。

A:When does it start?

B:Let’s see… the paper says that it starts at 7:15, but I think we should get there early to get a good seat.
      我想想,报纸上说7 点15 开始,但我觉得我们应该早些去占个好位子。

A:Ok, well it’s 5:00 now, so let’s have dinner and then we can go.
      我吧,现在已经5 点了,我们去吃晚饭然后就出发吧。

B:Sounds good. I’ll drive if you make dinner.

A:How about the other way around?

film 网络解释


1. 薄膜:PE-M20C10 (抗静电粒),是针对LLDPE材料特性所开发出的抗静电浓缩粒,可以应用在LLDPE 薄膜(FILM)吹袋及PE板材 (SHEET)的真空成型及射出成型PE-M20C10 (抗静电粒),添加的比例在不同的成型条件下及地区的不同而有所不同,

film 词典解释

1. film的反义词

1. 电影;影片
    A film consists of moving pictures that have been recorded so that they can be shown at the cinema or on television. A film tells a story, or shows a real situation.

    e.g. Everything about the film was good. Good acting, good story, good fun.
    e.g. ...a government health film about the dangers of smoking.

in AM, use 美国英语用movie


2. 拍摄;把…拍成电影(或电视)
    If you film something, you use a camera to take moving pictures which can be shown on a screen or on television.

    e.g. He had filmed her life story...
    e.g. Considering the restrictions under which she filmed, I think she did a commendable job.

3. 纪实镜头;记录画面
    Film of something is moving pictures of a real event that are shown on television or on a screen.

    e.g. They have seen news film of families queueing in Russia to buy a loaf of bread.

4. film的解释

4. 胶卷
    A film is the narrow roll of plastic that is used in a camera to take photographs.

    e.g. The photographers had already shot a dozen rolls of film.

5. film

5. 电影艺术;电影业
    The making of cinema films, considered as a form of art or a business, can be referred to as film or films .

    e.g. Film is a business with limited opportunities for actresses...
    e.g. She wanted to set up her own company to invest in films.

6. film

6. 薄层
    A film of powder, liquid, or oil is a very thin layer of it.

    e.g. The sea is coated with a film of raw sewage.

7. (塑料)薄膜
    Plastic film is a very thin sheet of plastic used to wrap and cover things.

    e.g. Cover with plastic film and refrigerate for 24 hours.
           覆上保鲜膜,冷藏 24 小时。

in AM, use 美国英语用plastic wrap, Saran wrap

8. see also: clingfilm

film 单语例句

1. film的反义词

1. Show business is booming in China today, especially when compared with the nation's film industry.

2. I don't believe highly financed business operations will help these directors maintain their status as the best in Chinese film circles.

3. BERLIN - South Korean pop star Rain not only learned to act for his film debut.

4. But the film will only be seen in the near future because the investor went bust before its original screening date.

5. His tale of a butterfly collector who kidnaps a woman in London was made into a film starring Terence Stamp two years later.

6. The grainy film appeared to have been taken in a room lit by daylight.

7. film什么意思

7. Connery told Scotland on Sunday that he had been approached by George Lucas about reprising his role as Harrison Ford's onscreen father in the film.

8. The film was directed by animation producer George Dunning and based on the music of The Beatles.

9. film什么意思

9. A movie made by the renowned ski film producer Teton Gravity Research will be screened during the festival.

10. The teen star also confesses acting is the only career for her, although she would like to continue with her education alongside film commitments.

film 英英释义



1. film是什么意思

1. a thin coating or layer

    e.g. the table was covered with a film of dust

2. film的意思

2. photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion
    used to make negatives or transparencies

    Synonym: photographic film

3. film什么意思

3. a thin sheet of (usually plastic and usually transparent) material used to wrap or cover things

    Synonym: plastic film

4. a medium that disseminates moving pictures

    e.g. theater pieces transferred to celluloid
           this story would be good cinema
           film coverage of sporting events

    Synonym: cinema celluloid

5. a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement

    e.g. they went to a movie every Saturday night
           the film was shot on location

    Synonym: movie picture moving picture moving-picture show motion picture motion-picture show picture show pic flick


1. make a film or photograph of something

    e.g. take a scene
           shoot a movie

    Synonym: shoot take

2. record in film

    e.g. The coronation was filmed