
filmy [ˈfɪlmi]  [ˈfɪlmi] 



filmy 基本解释

形容词朦胧的; 薄膜的; 像软片的; 薄的

filmy 网络解释


1. 薄膜的:filmstrip 电影胶片 | filmy 薄膜的 | filoplume 毛羽

2. 薄膜的;膜状的:film-formingyeast产膜酵母 | filmy薄膜的;膜状的 | filobactivirus丝状噬菌体

3. 象软片的:filmstrip 电影胶片或幻灯片 | filmy 象软片的 | filmypaperythinnestwafery 薄的

4. 薄皮的, 像软片的, 薄的:speculative思索性的, 暝想性的, 推理的; 冒险的 | filmy薄皮的, 像软片的, 薄的 | snugly舒适地, 整洁干净地, 情况极好地

filmy 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 薄得近乎透明的
    A filmy fabric or substance is very thin and almost transparent.

    e.g. ...filmy nightgowns.

filmy 单语例句

1. The riverine mist rises and veils the vista with a filmy layer that gives the whole scene an otherworldly dimension.

2. The sausages are typically blanched, then sliced into filmy wafers and served as in cold dish.

3. Department of Conservation botanist Peter de Lange had found three species of filmy ferns that were new records for the Kermadecs.

filmy 英英释义


1. so thin as to transmit light

    e.g. a hat with a diaphanous veil
           filmy wings of a moth
           gauzy clouds of dandelion down
           gossamer cobwebs
           sheer silk stockings
           transparent chiffon
           vaporous silks

    Synonym: diaphanous gauzy gauze-like gossamer see-through sheer transparent vaporous vapourous cobwebby