
filthy [ˈfɪlθi]  [ˈfɪlθi] 





filthy 基本解释

形容词下流的; 肮脏的,污秽的; 猥亵的,淫秽的

filthy 相关例句


1. This is a really filthy oven.

2. The guy is always telling filthy jokes.

3. They are filthy with money.

filthy 网络解释


1. 肮脏的:filth 污物 | filthy 肮脏的 | filtrate density 滤液密度

2. 矿内气体:filtering surface 过滤面 | filthy 矿内气体 | filtrate 滤液

3. 不洁的:filthy pelf 不义之财 | filthy 不洁的 | filtrable 能过滤的

4. 污秽的,不洁的:hide 兽皮,皮革 | filthy 污秽的,不洁的 | pervade 充斥,弥漫

filthy 词典解释

1. 肮脏的;污秽的
    Something that is filthy is very dirty indeed.

    e.g. He never washed, and always wore a filthy old jacket.

2. 卑劣的;淫秽的;猥亵的
    If you describe something as filthy, you mean that you think it is morally very unpleasant and disgusting, sometimes in a sexual way.

    e.g. Apparently, well known actors were at these filthy parties...
    e.g. The play was full of filthy foul language.

3. (天气)阴冷潮湿的,恶劣的
    Filthy weather is very cold, wet, and windy.

    e.g. ...a filthy wet night.

4. filthy rich -> see rich

filthy 单语例句

1. filthy的翻译

1. When a dog comes home from a walk filthy and smelling of something unmentionable, the temptation sometimes is to throw the darn thing in the washing machine.

2. filthy在线翻译

2. Let a few filthy rich consume luxury items under the scorching eyes of the general public who regard such behavior as flashy and bad taste.

3. More importantly, does one have to be a crook to be filthy rich?

4. A report in Monday's Economic Information describes several businesses in Tongzhou where workers clean tableware with industrial detergent under filthy conditions.

5. filthy的意思

5. " It's intolerably hot and filthy in the factory, " Yip recalled.

6. They found a grimy baby bottle and a baby's bed without linen and in a filthy state according to court documents.

7. By now the water has turned dark and filthy, yet it still offers a small comfort for washing her feet before going to bed.

8. But Cavanagh said that dogs have been seen roaming around the village, while the apartments are " filthy " and surrounded by rubble and building debris.

9. Convenience is thus turned into inconvenience and filthy toilets are among the top complaints made by tourists from both home and abroad.

10. The filthy lucre was intended as a kind of " educational display " a deterrent for the potentially bad apples among public servants.

filthy 英英释义


1. disgustingly dirty
    filled or smeared with offensive matter

    e.g. as filthy as a pigsty
           a foul pond
           a nasty pigsty of a room

    Synonym: foul nasty

2. filthy

2. characterized by obscenity

    e.g. had a filthy mouth
           foul language
           smutty jokes

    Synonym: cruddy foul nasty smutty

3. vile

    e.g. a dirty (or lousy) trick
           a filthy traitor

    Synonym: dirty lousy