financial aid

financial aid [faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l eid]  [faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l ed] 

financial aid 基本解释

financial aid


financial aid 网络解释

financial aid的近义词

1. 财政补助:加州众议院执行议长余胤良、旧金山市立学院校长Philip Day、市立学院财政补助主管Roland Montemayor及加州学生补助委员会委员Charles Moore等,联合召开记者会,敦促旧金山及圣马刁两县的学生,谨记在3月2日前,到各校财政补助(Financial Aid)处查询并申请.

2. 助学金:(1)失去助学金(Financial aid)或者失去校内打工的工作,但错不在学生;(2)学费或生活开销大增;(3)学生用于支付开支的货币的相对币值大跌;(4)向学生提供资助者的财务状况发生预期之外的变化;(5)接获医疗保险公司不付款的巨额医疗帐单,

financial aid 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Many supporters insist if a family can afford the luxury of raising a pet, it means it does do need extra financial aid.

2. Financial aid is given to soldiers who are disabled or contract illnesses while on active duty.

3. But part of the funds is not " new and additional financial aid " as required in Copenhagen.

4. The article said the Dalai Lama clique asks for financial aid from the West in the name of religion and human rights.

5. financial aid的意思

5. The government last week announced a comprehensive aid package for displaced residents, including financial support for relocation and loan arrangements.

6. He appreciated China's aid to Jamaica over the years, especially at the time of global financial crisis.

7. financial aid的解释

7. Clinton described the current period as the " roughest " since the disaster struck due to problems hampering financial aid flows to the ground.


8. The cutoff in aid has compounded an already dire financial situation for the Palestinian government.

9. Developing countries only need to make their initiatives on cutting emissions measurable, reportable and verifiable when they receive international financial aid and technology transfer.

10. financial aid

10. China is helping its unprofitable airlines by cutting taxes, lowering domestic oil prices and offering financial aid.

financial aid 英英释义



1. money to support a worthy person or cause

    Synonym: aid economic aid