
firmware [ˈfɜ:mweə(r)]  [ˈfɜ:rmwer] 

firmware 基本解释

名词(计算机的)固件(指存储在存储器而非软件中的指令); 稳件

firmware 网络解释

1. 韧体:不论室内还是室外恶劣环境都可以长期稳定工作. 功能强大的管理软件提供了专业的网络管理工具,便于无线网络的管理和监控. * 非视距(NLOS)的运行条件下,同样有出色的性能表现10-30公里* 韧体(Firmware)可经由主控口/TFTP升级

2. 固件 韧体:当兴趣点(POI)处於提醒区域时,会自动响铃可将当前位置作为兴趣点(POI)录入数据库Treo 600的固件/韧体(Firmware)

3. 韌體 韌體:现在,大部分光电设备,如:SCSI光碟机,SCSI刻录机,SCSI DVD光碟机,基本都能进行韧体韧体(firmware)升级. 升级之后,可以提高设备的相容性;增强设备的读盘能力;对於DVD-ROM可以用firmware升级来解决DVD区域码的限制.

firmware 词典解释

1. 固件(由于经常使用而储存在芯片上的一组指令)
    In computer systems, firmware is a set of commands which are stored on a chip rather than as part of a program, because the computer uses them very often.

firmware 单语例句

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1. Data recovery tools in the third generation are software or equipment which can tackle logical and firmware data recovery.

firmware 英英释义



1. (computer science) coded instructions that are stored permanently in read-only memory

    Synonym: microcode