first signs

first signs

first signs 单语例句

1. The caption said that " there is a heavy military presence in Lhasa ", neglecting the obvious references of First Aid and Red Cross signs on the ambulance.

2. The website's caption said " there is a heavy military presence in Lhasa, " neglecting obvious " First Aid " and red cross signs on the ambulance.

3. The first shots should go into adult volunteers'arms in early August, with child studies to follow quickly if there are no signs of immediate side effects.

4. The first signs of communication happen during the first few days of life, when a baby learns that crying will bring food and attention.

5. If the panda's gestation signs are correct, this will be the first cub born in Japan's oldest zoo since 1988.

6. Nothing can quite match the joy of picking wild herbs, amid the first signs of spring and the pleasant scent of damp mud.

7. " Since dawn this morning there have been first signs that consciousness is being affected, " he said.

8. This isn't the first time Kylie has spoken about plastic surgery and the pressure to prolong the signs of ageing.

9. Far too few people recognize the first signs of a stroke, experts from Germany's Dresden University Hospital warn.

10. The study is the first time researchers have identified fatigue and sleeplessness as possible early warning signs of a heart attack in women.