
fishhook [fɪʃ'hʊk]  [fɪʃ'hʊk] 

fishhook 基本解释


名词鱼钩; 钓钩

fishhook 网络解释


1. 鱼钩:队的位置可以清晰地看到鱼钩(fishhook)及南部的Tergal Ghar.他们可以从这里覆盖绿帽子和阿富汗民兵所选择的进入的山谷路线印章狙击手发现敌方动作. 50米外,有个刮了胡子,留着红棕色头发,身穿迷彩裤和Gire-Tex夹克的敌人位于手指(finger)崖边.

2. 打捞钩;吊鱼钩:fisheye structure 鱼眼构造 | fishhook 打捞钩;吊鱼钩 | fishing assembly 打捞管柱

3. 大鱼钩:tip-up depth 测深度 7 p5 K | A fishing lure 诱鱼假铒 | fishhook 大鱼钩

4. 钓钩;鱼戟:fishery science 渔业科学 | fishhook 钓钩;鱼戟 | fishing 渔捞业

fishhook 双语例句

1. But, in this case, that house is the fishhook.


2. Then, ask for everything you have back, and put your fishhook in your bag so no one can see it.


3. I'm back on the beach now, trying to turn an earring into a fishhook.

4. I like when he threw the fishhook, it was cool.

5. Then I sold him a medium fishhook.

6. At the end of the shot, your hand should look like a fishhook, fingers pointing down.

7. The strong scent of strong coffee will pull you out of bed like a fishhook in the back of your pajamas.

8. A fishhook? Deborah wasn't sure what he meant.

9. The small waves were the same, chucking the rowboat under the chin as we fished at anchor, and the boat was the same boat, the same color green and the ribs broken in the same places, and under the floor-boards the same freshwater leavings and debris--the dead helgramite, the wisps of moss, the rusty discarded fishhook, the dried blood from yesterday's catch.

10. If you were a fish, then, I would be a fishhook trying to bait you. If you were a hill, then, I would be the surrounding rivulet to skirt around you. If you were a steamed bun, I would be a bowl of mutton soup ready to marinate you.

11. So then he killed him with a fishhook.

12. An artificial fly that has wings extending back beyond the crook of the fishhook.


13. Technology requirements of steel wire for fishhook are put forward by introducing production process of fishhook.

14. Some " fishhook " curves are also given which appear from the third group velocity curve.

15. On the sections of 27 cadavers (61.4%), left pulmonary artery and anterior segmental artery which together like a fishhook drew left superior pulmonary vein.

16. Examine the shapes of 6 patients'juxtaposed ureters and so on. Their ureters display to be fishhook shape or S shape. Do CT to 2 cases of juxtaposed ureter.

17. Treatment of patella fracture with the fishhook of the tensile band of the kirschner needle

18. He threw the fishhook into the East Sea, waiting quietly for big fish biting the bait.


19. The small waves were the same, chucking the rowboat under the chin as we fished at anchor, and the boat was the same boat, the same color green and ribs broken in the same places, and the under the floor-boards the same fresh-water leavings and debris--the same hellgrammite, the wisps of moss, the rusty discarded fishhook, and the dried blood from yesterday's catch.

fishhook 单语例句

1. Pei's friends noticed that it was a fishhook and sent him to a nearby hospital.

2. Surgeons at a Shanghai hospital successfully removed a fishhook from a man's tongue after he was " hooked " eating a fish head on Sunday.

fishhook 英英释义


1. a sharp barbed hook for catching fish