fishing season

fishing season [ˈfɪʃɪŋ ˈsi:zən]  [ˈfɪʃɪŋ ˈsizən] 

fishing season 基本解释
fishing season 网络解释

1. 鱼汛期:fishing remote sensing 渔业遥感 | fishing season 鱼汛期 | fission 分裂

2. 渔汛期:fishing rod 钓杆 | fishing season 渔汛期 | fishing tackle 钓具

3. 捕鱼期,鱼汛:farming season 农事季节,耕作期 | fishing season 捕鱼期,鱼汛 | flood season 洪水季,汛期

4. 渔期:渔捞死亡系数||fishing mortality coefficient | 渔期||fishing season | 渔业管理||fishery management

fishing season 单语例句


1. During the close season for fishing, crayfish provide a source of income.

2. fishing season的近义词

2. Cruel fishing methods such as poisoning and shock have also reduced adult Chinese sucker populations during the annual spawning season.

3. The official opening of the season in Scheveningen is called Flag Day because the fishing boats are decorated with many small flags for the event.

4. " The fishing ban season this year was not as good, " said an employee who is in charge of the survey of fishery resources.

5. The ministry had earlier issued a ban on fishing in the East China Sea from June 1 to protect fish during the spawning season.

6. fishing season什么意思

6. " I know it's important to ban fishing in the spring spawning season, " he said.

7. The sea fishing season lasts from April to November, but the best time is September and October.

8. The fishing ban coincides with the spring season, when the fish lay eggs.

9. Fishing is banned in Dongting and Poyang lakes from March to July, the river pig's breeding season.

fishing season 英英释义


1. the season during which it is legal to catch fish