
fivefold [ˈfaɪvfəʊld]  [ˈfaɪvfoʊld] 

fivefold 基本解释


fivefold 网络解释


1. 五倍:five-year plan 五年计划 | fivefold 五倍 | fivepence 五便士

2. 五倍的:cold 寒冷的 | fivefold 五倍的 | fold 折叠

3. 五倍地:五倍的fivefoldquintuplequintuplicate | 五倍地fivefold | 五倍量quintuple

4. 五倍的, 五重的 (形):five senses 五官感觉 | fivefold 五倍的, 五重的 (形) | fiver 五元钞票; 五镑钞票 (名)

fivefold 单语例句

1. Indonesia has been hard hit by a fivefold hike in the price of chilli, a household necessity.

2. Singapore Airlines plans to invest in China Eastern to add flights in a market expected to grow fivefold by 2025.

3. The Singaporean carrier plans to invest in China Eastern to add flights in a market expected to grow fivefold by 2025.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The manufacturer of aluminum extrusion products is planning to increase its exports to the US market fivefold this year.

5. Meanwhile it's estimated that the figure for lung cancer will rise fivefold.

6. But the value of Washington's shipments to Hong Kong grew more than fivefold.

7. SHANGHAI - This municipality on China's eastern coast will increase subsidies for sea burials by fivefold to preserve limited land resources.

8. Yet if only they would extend their parameters of what would make a good mate, logic rules that their chances of marrying increases fivefold.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. It has gained over 7 percent since the start of the year, and more than fivefold since its listing in 2006 at 85 Singapore cents.

10. He says MMS messages sent from his web portal during this year's Spring Festival holiday mushroomed fivefold compared to average days.

fivefold 英英释义


1. fivefold的意思

1. having five units or components

    Synonym: quintuple five-fold