
fixate ['fɪkseɪt]  [ˈfɪkˌset] 








fixate 基本解释

动词注视; 视线移向; 使固定

fixate 相关例句


1. An infant with normal vision will fixate on a light held before him.

fixate 网络解释

1. 视线移向:fix 使固定 | fixate 视线移向 | fixation 定置

2. 凝固:让浮石暂时停止移动:poison mist 毒雾:使目标中毒. | fixate 凝固:让浮石暂时停止移动. | unlock 开锁:没什么好解释的,当然,是打不开门的.

3. 视线转向;凝视:She stood contemplating her figure in the mirror.她站在镜子前凝视自己的影子. | 9.fixate视线转向;凝视 | After looking around, he fixated the portrait on the wall.打量四周后,他把视线转向墙上的画像.

4. 注视:murky 黑暗的,朦胧的 | fixate 注视 | hysterical 歇斯底里的

fixate 单语例句

1. fixate的翻译

1. Malls and markets fixate on the word'Thanksgiving'to dip into the pockets of their customers.

2. Better to find the best fit among several viable options than to fixate on one person who may harbor reservations.

3. Studies find that many with the condition fixate subconsciously on hostile faces in a crowd of people with mostly relaxed expressions.

fixate 英英释义


1. become fixed (on)

    e.g. Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon

    Synonym: settle on

2. make fixed, stable or stationary

    e.g. let's fix the picture to the frame

    Synonym: fix

3. pay attention to exclusively and obsessively

    e.g. The media are fixating on Princess Diana's death

4. fixate的意思

4. attach (oneself) to a person or thing in a neurotic way

    e.g. He fixates on his mother, even at the age of 40