
fizz [fɪz]  [fɪz] 








fizz 基本解释


名词嘶嘶声; 兴奋; 活力; 〈美〉发泡性饮料(特指香槟酒等)

不及物动词兴奋; 发嘶嘶声; (液体,通常指饮料)起泡

fizz 网络解释


1. 嘶嘶声:Fix 确定,固定 | Fizz 嘶嘶声 | FL fluorescein 荧光效果

2. 漏气:fizz 漏气 | fjord 峡湾 | fl prf 防爆的

3. 嘶嘶响:fixtureinstallation 装置物 | fizz 嘶嘶响 | fizzle 发嘶嘶声

fizz 词典解释

1. 嘶嘶地冒泡;发出嘶嘶声
    If a drink fizzes, it produces lots of little bubbles of gas and makes a sound like a long 's'.

    e.g. After a while their mother was back, holding a tray of glasses that fizzed.

2. (引擎等)发出长长的嘶声,嘶嘶地响
    If something such as an engine fizzes, it makes a sound like a long 's'.

    e.g. When I started the engine it sparked, fizzed and went dead.

3. 趣味;激情;活力
    If you say that someone puts fizz into something, you mean that they make it more interesting or exciting.

    e.g. A Brazilian public relations firm has brought some fizz into his campaign.

4. 香槟;起泡沫的葡萄酒
    Champagne or sparkling wine is sometimes called fizz .

    e.g. ...a bottle of fizz.

fizz 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Spell Eyeshadow in " blueberry fizz ", " black cherry " and " French vanilla " will add to your look.

2. But in the capital, the entrance of a new beer brand has led to fisticuffs over fizz.

3. While it lacks some of the fizz of the original, this sequel nonetheless sees Chan and Wilson do what they do best.

fizz 英英释义


1. fizz的意思

1. an effervescent beverage (usually alcoholic)


1. become bubbly or frothy or foaming

    e.g. The boiling soup was frothing
           The river was foaming
           Sparkling water

    Synonym: foam froth effervesce sparkle form bubbles