
flagpole [ˈflægpəʊl]  [ˈflægpoʊl] 


flagpole 基本解释



flagpole 网络解释


1. 旗杆;测试图黑色垂直线:flagman 信号旗手 | flagpole 旗杆;测试图黑色垂直线 | flagstone 薄层砂岩

2. 旗竿 (名):flagon 大酒壶; 大肚短颈瓶 (名) | flagpole 旗竿 (名) | flagrance 罪大恶极; 恶名昭彰 (名)

3. 花杆 测视信号:flagman测旗工 司旗员 | flagpole花杆 测视信号 | flagpoleantenna金属杆天线

flagpole 词典解释

1. flagpole的解释

1. 旗杆
    A flagpole is a tall pole on which a flag can be displayed.

    e.g. The new Namibian flag was hoisted up the flagpole.

flagpole 单语例句

1. flagpole的解释

1. He installed netting around the pirate ship so children can safely climb to the top of the flagpole.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. A sculpture at the base of a flagpole near the museum depicts Dutchman Peter Minuit purchasing Manhattan from a native in 1626.

3. While people are arguing, the " naughty boy " on the flagpole keeps going up.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Every day, he practiced lifting up a flagpole and waving it around without losing his grip.

5. A flagpole erected in the centre of the school is its tallest signpost.

6. Flagpole waving thrived and became one of the most popular forms of acrobatics in Tianqiao.

7. When the lower trend line value is above the height of the flagpole near $ 105 then the typhoon pattern is confirmed.

8. flagpole的解释

8. Flagpole waving always drew a large crowd of spectators because of its marvellous visual appeal and breathtaking stunts.

flagpole 英英释义



1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. a tall staff or pole on which a flag is raised

    Synonym: flagstaff

2. surveying instrument consisting of a straight rod painted in bands of alternate red and white each one foot wide
    used for sightings by surveyors

    Synonym: range pole ranging pole