
flap [flæp]  [flæp] 







flap 基本解释


名词扁平物; [航] 襟翼; 拍打,拍打声; 〈口〉不安,恐慌

动词上下或左右移动、摆动; 轻拍; 振翅而飞

flap 相关例句



1. Some doves were flapping their wings over the square.

2. I flapped the flies away but soon they flew back.


1. The flag flaps in the wind.

2. What's the point of flapping about it now?


1. Don't get in a flap.

flap 网络解释


1. 襟翼:具体作法是在主翼前缘设置补助翼(Slot)、可动补助翼(Slat)、襟翼(Flap)等,或是在后缘设置了前缘的襟翼,来进行境界层的控制. 因为设置子前缘的襟翼,或后缘的襟翼后,便能增加主翼的面积,在降落前,后缘的襟翼能改变主翼型的曲率,

2. 盖子:第一次听说的人,一般听到这里就开始害怕,手术时首先使用电动切割刀(Cutter)沿水平切割角膜,只留下一端不切割,然后以这一端为轴打开角膜,如同形成一个盖子(flap).

3. 摆动:而这些蛋白质与DNA结合. 为了确定BRCA1的作用,研究人员提取了这种 蛋白质的拷贝,使其在试管中与双链DNA结合. Gellert解释说,这些DNA带有模拟遗传学损伤的结 构,诸如Y-形分支或一个引致DNA长度自由摆动 (flap)的切口链.

4. flap:federacion latinoamericana de parasitologia; 拉丁美洲寄生虫学联合会

flap 词典解释

1. flap在线翻译

1. (使)飘动;摆动;抖搂
    If something such as a piece of cloth or paper flaps or if you flap it, it moves quickly up and down or from side to side.

    e.g. Grey sheets flapped on the clothes line...
    e.g. They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted.

2. 振(翅);挥(翅);(翅膀)拍打,抖动
    If a bird or insect flaps its wings or if its wings flap, the wings move quickly up and down.

    e.g. The bird flapped its wings furiously...
    e.g. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.

3. 挥动,舞动(手臂)
    If you flap your arms, you move them quickly up and down as if they were the wings of a bird.

    e.g. ...a kid running and flapping her arms.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. (布、皮等)扁平下垂物,垂下的部分
    A flap of cloth or skin, for example, is a flat piece of it that can move freely up and down or from side to side because it is held or attached by only one edge.

    e.g. He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.
    e.g. ...a loose flap of skin.

5. (飞机的)襟翼,副翼,阻力板
    A flap on the wing of an aircraft is an area along the edge of the wing that can be raised or lowered to control the movement of the aircraft.

    e.g. ...the sudden slowing as the flaps were lowered.

6. (鸟翼、布条、纸片的)拍打声,拍动,拍打
    A flap is a sudden noise or movement made by a bird's wing or by a piece of paper or cloth when it flaps.

    e.g. Nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner.

7. 激动;焦虑;惊慌
    Someone who is in a flap is in a state of great excitement, worry, or panic.

    e.g. Why did people get in a flap over nuclear energy?...
    e.g. Wherever he goes there's always a flap.

flap 单语例句

1. flap

1. The flap over the fired prosecutors proved to be the final straw for Gonzales, whose truthfulness in testimony to Congress was drawn into question.

2. A single feather was found attached to a flap track on the wing and will be examined by experts at the Smithsonian Institution.

3. Commenting on the flap, the International Olympic Committee pointed to London officials.

4. His first photos were taken with a salvaged camera with a back flap that had to be tied in place with rubber bands.

5. The flag flap began during player introductions when a North Korean player was introduced along with a shot of the South Korean flag.

6. I've always enjoyed watching the numerous flags in the square flap in the wind, but on this day they weren't the only thing flapping.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Critics say the flap has hurt the bank's reputation and may hobble its ability to raise billions of dollars to help poor countries.

8. A Casillas flap from a corner almost led to a second Racing goal but the Real defence scrambled the ball clear.

9. flap的解释

9. He left the position in late 2003 after a diplomatic flap touched off by his comments in November 2003.

10. flap的翻译

10. Open the snap flap to reveal a sexy sketch of a naked woman on the white leather patch.

flap 英英释义



1. danci.911cha.com

1. any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge
    hangs loose or projects freely

    e.g. he wrote on the flap of the envelope

2. a movable airfoil that is part of an aircraft wing
    used to increase lift or drag

    Synonym: flaps

3. a movable piece of tissue partly connected to the body

4. the motion made by flapping up and down

    Synonym: flapping flutter fluttering

5. an excited state of agitation

    e.g. he was in a dither
           there was a terrible flap about the theft

    Synonym: dither pother fuss tizzy


1. pronounce with a flap, of alveolar sounds

2. make a fuss
    be agitated

    Synonym: dither pother

3. move noisily

    e.g. flags flapped in the strong wind

4. danci.911cha.com

4. move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion

    e.g. The curtains undulated
           the waves rolled towards the beach

    Synonym: roll undulate wave

5. flap什么意思

5. move with a flapping motion

    e.g. The bird's wings were flapping

    Synonym: beat

6. flap是什么意思

6. move with a thrashing motion

    e.g. The bird flapped its wings
           The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky

    Synonym: beat