
flapping [flæpɪŋ]  [flæpɪŋ] 






flapping 基本解释


动词(使)上下左右移动( flap的现在分词 ); 轻拍; 焦急,焦虑; 振(翅)

flapping 网络解释


1. 摇摆:中国网管联盟抑制时间(holddown)能够阻止因为一条路由暂时无效而引起的路由更新信息,比如起用一条路由条目然后又禁止他,一般这叫做摇摆(flapping). 通常这发生在当一条线路丢失连接然后又重新连接的情况下(想象一下,

2. 摇摆运动:flanneldisk法兰绒抛划盘 | flapping摇摆运动 | flarelight闪光

3. 拍动:活瓣式 flapper-type | 拍动 flapping | 火炬栈桥 flare activiflare bridge

4. 带舌片的拍击的:flapping screw 带舌环螺丝 | flapping 带舌片的拍击的 | flapping 带舌片的拍击的拍动

flapping 单语例句

1. Passengers are often disturbed when they look out the window in mild turbulence and see the wings flapping like a bird's.

2. They used that information to create a computer model which recreates the airflow and thrust generated by the complex flapping movement.

3. Pigeons could be seen flapping inside, layers of feces on the ground.

4. I've always enjoyed watching the numerous flags in the square flap in the wind, but on this day they weren't the only thing flapping.

5. I'm always quick to position myself strategically behind a table or some other large object when they race up with their arms flapping all about.

6. It starts its dancing routine whenever the radio is on - a dainty pirouette accompanied by flapping wings.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The spectacular sight of some 556 new model cars was revving him up into a flapping frenzy.

8. flapping在线翻译

8. " The biggest pterosaurs didn't have enough muscles to get off the ground from wing flapping, " Cunningham said.

9. flapping的翻译

9. But for Chinese golf it's like a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a hurricane on the other side of the world.

10. Jin Yu's young women stand against the wind, with their skirts flapping and hair blowing.

flapping 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. the motion made by flapping up and down

    Synonym: flap flutter fluttering