
flares [fleəs]  [flers] 







flares 基本解释
喇叭裤;闪耀( flare的第三人称单数 );外倾;鼻孔张大;呈喇叭形展开;
flares 网络解释

1. 喇叭裤:如果说喇叭裤(flares)过时了,可以这样说:Flar百度跟谷歌广告不能同时放在一个页面上?据说会被K掉?经过草根IT的观察--百度跟谷歌广告能同时放在一个页面上!!!不过有的网友说会彼此影响,这个涉及技术问题,我就不知道了.不过大家仔细观察就会发现,很多站长都将百度和谷歌(GOOGLE)广

2. 耀斑:另一方面,Lockwood教授担忧的是,太阳活动相对平静时,其内部抑制的张力可能突然释放,即会突然产生猛烈的太阳爆发现象,如耀斑(flares)和日冕物质抛射(CME).

3. (闪光):第三:周期性的爆发(solar eruption),像日珥(prominence)或闪光(flares)等. 当把所有的已知可能性都加起来时,太阳可能损失的质量所造成的月球轨道周期增加率,仍比观测到的增加率小了30倍. 因此我们可以合理地相信,除了重力常数改变外,

4. 干扰弹:switch target/hold enemy camera 换目标/敌人视野 | flares 干扰弹 | next weapon 切换武器

flares 单语例句

1. Further charges related to the throwing of projectiles by Croatian fans and the setting off of flares within the stadium.

2. The ship's crew held off the attack with flares until a Danish navy frigate intervened and sank the pirates'boat.

3. flares

3. Police were busy despite the rain, ejecting 11 people from Melbourne Park for disruptive behavior and smuggling flares onto the grounds.

4. Solar flares are a potential danger to astronauts in orbit but generally are not a risk to people on the Earth's surface.

5. flares

5. Solar flares are a potential danger to astronauts in orbit but generally are not a risk to people on the surface of the Earth.

6. Though it flares for just four days, the Shanghai Art Fair does have a special flair and varied fare.

7. Fireworks and red flares went off in the packed Bastille area, where people were sitting on newspaper kiosks and hanging off lamp posts.

8. Flares were dropped to illuminate targets, and defenders fought back with heavy machine gunfire.

9. Roma fans threw flares and firecrackers at the club training ground gates last week and police had to intervene.

10. flares的解释

10. PAP said Polish fans were armed with metal bars stones and flares.