flash back

flash back [flæʃ bæk]  [flæʃ bæk] 

flash back 基本解释

flash back什么意思

反闪; 反射,倒叙,跳跃到以前某时

flash back 网络解释

flash back

1. 倒叙:filmmaker 电影工作者 制作电影的人,通常指导演 | flash-back 倒叙 | flash-forward 预叙

2. 回火:flaring cup grinding wheel圆锥碗形砂轮 | flash back回火 | flash butt welding闪光对焊

3. 反闪:flash-arc 火花弧 | flash-back 反闪 | flash-figure 闪象

flash back 词典解释
flash back 单语例句

1. So we walked to Wu Mei and rode back home on a flash red model that was on sale.

flash back 英英释义


1. return in time

    e.g. the film cut back to an earlier event in the story

    Synonym: cut back