
flashy [ˈflæʃi]  [ˈflæʃi] 



flashy 基本解释

形容词浮华的,俗丽的; 闪光的,瞬间的,昙花一现的; (脾气等)暴烈的

flashy 网络解释

1. 浮华的:continuous charging grate 连续装煤炉篦 | flashy 浮华的 | selector 选择者, 选择器

2. 光鲜的:77. revealable 暴露的,显露的 | 78. flashy 光鲜的 | 79. impressive 印象深刻的

3. 闪光:loud:俗丽 | flashy:闪光 | stiff collar:硬领

4. 华而不实的;庸俗而华丽的:Unpretentious 不骄傲的, 谦逊的 | Flashy 华而不实的;庸俗而华丽的 | Renew 更新, 重新开始

flashy 词典解释

1. flashy的解释

1. 俗艳的;浮华的;招摇的
    If you describe a person or thing as flashy, you mean they are smart and noticeable, but in a rather vulgar way.

    e.g. He was much less flashy than his brother.
    e.g. ...a flashy sports car.

flashy 单语例句

1. flashy在线翻译

1. The book is not splashed with flashy photographs a la a catalog, but rather provides annotated Web addresses for online shops.

2. Let a few filthy rich consume luxury items under the scorching eyes of the general public who regard such behavior as flashy and bad taste.

3. His flashy attire and cool demeanor also made him a media darling.

4. flashy

4. He said flashy packages are often made from inferior materials that are very hard to decompose in the natural environment.

5. One factor driving such projects is the desire of individual districts to match each other in being home to this or that flashy new development.

6. The Pudong property simply oozes class without the need to be too flashy and this elegance is applied to its dining outlets too.

7. flashy的意思

7. The Uygur woman in flashy theatrical costumes dancing feverishly at the Temple of Heaven was almost as exciting.

8. She speaks with a strong Wuhan accent, and dresses as a flashy KTV girl.

9. Some people label us as progressive metal but we're not as flashy with the musical virtuosity as bands in that genre typically are.

10. Neither company showcased any actual games for their flashy new devices, leaving many questions about the motion control technologies unanswered.

flashy 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (used especially of clothes) marked by conspicuous display

    Synonym: gaudy jazzy showy sporty

2. tastelessly showy

    e.g. a flash car
           a flashy ring
           garish colors
           a gaudy costume
           loud sport shirts
           a meretricious yet stylish book
           tawdry ornaments

    Synonym: brassy cheap flash garish gaudy gimcrack loud meretricious tacky tatty tawdry trashy