
flattened ['flætnd]  ['flætənd] 






flattened 基本解释
变平,使变平( flatten的过去式和过去分词 );彻底打败某人,使丢脸;停止增长;紧贴…;
flattened 网络解释

1. 平坦的:并且在某一时刻市场实现多空双方的均衡,此时价格停止上涨,并转而下跌趋势线(Trendline)就是反映趋势方向的技术线比例线 比例线(Proportion Line)的绘制方法头部或者底部会呈现出较为平坦的(Flattened)形态,从而为形态构

2. 夷为平地:leather 皮革 | flattened 夷为平地 | spine 脊柱

3. (水)平扁的,弄平的:cataplexy 猝倒 | flattened (水)平扁的,弄平的 | amphetamine 安非他明,苯异丙胺

4. 没精打采的, 垂头丧气的 (形):flatten 弄平, 使失去光泽, 打倒; 变平坦 (动) | flattened 没精打采的, 垂头丧气的 (形) | flatter oneself 自以为

flattened 单语例句

1. The region is a major growing region for bananas and sugar cane, and vast tracts of the crops were flattened.

2. In addition to the heavy casualty toll, it destroyed more than 200 homes and flattened evergreen spruce forests.

3. Kim and his 40 rescue team members were searching through the debris of a flattened chemical plant of Shifang city.

4. The earthquake and tsunami flattened communities along hundreds of kilometers of coastline, causing what the government estimates could be as much as $ 310 billion in damage.

5. He held a good luck charm, a coin flattened on the rails as the rocket rolled toward the launch pad.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Russia's military said its yield was comparable to the bombs that flattened Hiroshima and Nagasaki, though other estimates have pointed to a smaller blast.

7. flattened什么意思

7. He said the flattened houses were of simple adobe and brick structures.

8. Nobody was hurt but the bricks flattened an air conditioner and local residents say they no longer feel safe.

9. The massive concrete silos of a grain elevator towered over the flattened expanse of what was left of the town.

10. flattened

10. The storm was uprooting the trees like they were made of paper, and the falling trees flattened the mud houses.

flattened 英英释义


1. having been flattened

    Synonym: planate