

flawlessly 基本解释
flawlessly 网络解释

1. 无暇的;完美的:Far-flung 遥远的;分布广 | Flawlessly 无暇的;完美的 | Fruition 实现;享用

2. 完美无瑕地 (副):flawless 无瑕疵的; 无裂缝的; 无缺点的 (形) | flawlessly 完美无瑕地 (副) | flax 亚麻; 亚麻织品; 麻布 (名)

flawlessly 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. It allows it to work flawlessly in every conceivable application that an Olympic identity must work in.

2. " We need to execute flawlessly all of those ingredients in order to turn this around, " Clark told The Associated Press in an interview.

3. Successful artists like Mark Ryden and Aya Takano have parlayed this into flawlessly painted fantasy worlds with tight visual languages.

4. Since its restart in November 2009, the collider has performed almost flawlessly and given scientists valuable data.

5. A good band and Depp showed himself to be a well competent guitarist who executed his parts flawlessly.

6. " Preparation of the two satellites for launch continues flawlessly at Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana, " ESA said in a press release.

7. Buses, taxis and particularly motorbike taxis are also far from flawlessly safe.

8. A major writer emerges here, combining flawlessly the often broken dreams of youth.

flawlessly 英英释义


1. in an adroit manner

    e.g. he bounced it cleanly off the wall

    Synonym: cleanly