






fleeing 基本解释
逃走,逃掉( flee的现在分词 );逃离,逃避;
fleeing 网络解释

1. 消失:4 distracted 扰乱? 打扰? | 5 fleeing 消失 | 6 clumsy 减速??

2. (躲逃跑):§ chasing (追逐) | § fleeing (躲逃跑) | § dodging (低頭閃身)

fleeing 单语例句

1. Several thousand people began fleeing the area, a day after security forces swung into action after the militants'ambush.

2. The town's normal population has been swollen by thousands of refugees, fleeing the advancing Serb forces.

3. The Chinese industry seems to have benefited from a number of skilled Byzantine refugees fleeing the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

4. Video recordings shot by the center's security camera showed the theater gate opened several times that night to fleeing citizens chased by the rioters.

5. fleeing

5. A Russian prosecutor yesterday said the country's border guards repeatedly fired on and sank the fleeing Chinese cargo vessel off Russia's coast on Sunday.

6. When Liu tried to catch the rat himself, it jumped onto his head and bit him before fleeing.

7. More than a million people have been displaced by the hostilities, fleeing to other places in Sudan or across the border to Chad.

8. fleeing什么意思

8. It says the robbers grabbed the dead man's watch and chain before fleeing without replacing the coffin lid.

9. fleeing什么意思

9. The court determined he must be severely punished based on fleeing the accident and his unwillingness to confess during the investigation.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Authorities said they were forced to storm the school when the militants fired on hostages who were fleeing in the confusion following two explosions.