floor price

floor price [flɔ: prais]  [flɔr praɪs] 

floor price 基本解释

底价; 底盘,最低价格

floor price 网络解释

1. 底价:沙里尔在国会走廊受询时表示,经济理事会将於12月1日开会,讨论事宜包括是否再次调整油价,以及是否继续实行目前的受管制式浮动油价机制,还是以油价底价(floor price)取代.

2. 底价,最低价:fixed rate 固定率 | floor price 底价,最低价 | flour mill 面粉厂

3. 最低价格:floor polish 地板蜡 | floor price 最低价格 | floor price 最低价格最低限价

4. 最低限价:floating price 浮动价格 | floor price 最低限价 | fluctuations 大涨大落

floor price 单语例句

1. Buying on this consistently large scale puts a floor under the rising gold price.

2. But a painting of a southern canal town in China went unsold when no one offered the floor price of 2 million yuan.

3. The Serving Center also offers the agricultural resources at the floor price to the peasants.

4. floor price在线翻译

4. He started auctioning original paintings at a stunning floor price of just 300 yuan five years ago.

5. The government will set a floor price and an upper limit for at least the first three years to avoid price shocks.

6. China sets a relatively stable price floor for global supply of CERs.

7. floor price的近义词

7. To ensure price stability for project developers, the Chinese government has set a price floor of around nine euros on primary CERs.

8. floor price在线翻译

8. The price will be subject to a cap of $ 23 a share and a floor of $ 17.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. Still an open question is the price OPEC will target to defend as a floor for prices.

10. floor price的翻译

10. At the time the sale was a record for both total land price and for a single square meter of gross floor area.