
floss [flɒs]  [flɔ:s] 








floss 基本解释


名词绒毛; 丝棉; 乱丝; 绣花丝线


floss 网络解释


1. 牙线:至于对牙线(Floss)认识,只不过是数年前,在一次经牙医指导才开始用. 可别小看这一条细线在牙线间拉动的功能,据称具有保护心脏的果效. 漱口水原本是用来消除口臭,其主要的成分是抗菌剂(antiseptic). 其实,健康的人若经常保持口腔的卫生,

2. 线:polyester 和大力马 PE 线, 用这种标示法已经没有办法呈现粗细了. 有些 6/0 很粗, 有些就比较细, 甚至跟其他 8/0 一样细. 所以有些绑製线是用丹尼尔数(Denier)来标示.最後,由於丝棉线(Floss)在定义上就是以股为单位,所以为了避免搞混

3. 茧绵:floristics 植物区系学 | floss 茧绵 | flotation 浮选

4. 河流;丝棉:florizone 植物群带 | floss 河流;丝棉 | flotant 沿岸沼泽

5. floss:free libre open source software; 自由/开放源代码软件

6. floss:free libre and open source software; 自由/开源软件

floss 词典解释

1. floss

1. 丝棉;丝线
    You can use floss to refer to fine soft threads of some kind.

    e.g. Craft Resources also sells yarn and embroidery floss.

2. 用牙线剔牙
    When you floss, you use a special kind of strong string to clean between your teeth and gums.

    e.g. Brush your teeth after each meal and floss daily...
    e.g. She was flossing her teeth at the time.

floss 单语例句

1. floss在线翻译

1. CHAR's original moon cake creations include foie gras, curried beef and pork floss with onion flavor.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. And because Columbus is so busy fiddling with frothy fantasy, the inherent darkness of this mysterious place is smothered by the visual fairy floss.

3. floss的解释

3. Cloud and Godless'duel to the death involving what looks like glittery dental floss.

4. It will release the smell of candy floss when someone watches a home video of a fairground.

5. Taicang dried meat floss is a famous food of the city and the country.

6. The aim is to hold the floss against a tooth and move it up and away from the gum in a gentle scraping motion.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. Wind your way through lush greens to the charming Candy Floss Cafe to discover one of Beijing's most unique places to play.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. The techniques of making dried meat floss bone are developed in the process of making the Taicang dried meat floss.

9. Candy Floss'natural, shady setting makes it a top spot to lounge on a lazy weekend afternoon.

10. The most important prevention measure is to brush teeth correctly and floss.

floss 英英释义


1. a soft thread for cleaning the spaces between the teeth

    Synonym: dental floss

2. a soft loosely twisted thread used in embroidery


1. use dental floss to clean

    e.g. floss your teeth after every meal