
flotilla [fləˈtɪlə]  [floʊˈtɪlə] 


flotilla 基本解释


flotilla 网络解释

1. 船队:5月21日的花船队 (Flotilla) 为郁金香花节带来高潮,也是台湾大出风头的日子. 一早, 黄雅惠就领导助手们开始布置台湾花船. 他们以四根八呎高的绿竹为主干,袈在游艇甲板上,再以细竹围绕四周,上中下三层分别装饰黄色的文心兰、白色的蝴蝶兰及紫色的加德莉雅兰,

2. 小舰队:flotilla leader 领航驱逐舰 | flotilla 小舰队 | flotsam and jetsam 浮货和风浪打上岸的货物

3. 艦隊:fleet 舰队 | flotilla 舰队 | squadron 小舰队

4. 小型舰队:109. 分舰队 squadron | 110. 小型舰队 flotilla | 111. 补给舰队 train

flotilla 词典解释

1. flotilla

1. 小型船队;(通常指)小舰队
    A flotilla is a group of small ships, usually military ships.

flotilla 单语例句

1. A flotilla of warships from nearly a dozen countries has patrolled the Gulf of Aden and nearby Indian Ocean waters for months.

2. The flotilla of the Chinese Navy for the fifth escort mission in the Aden Gulf finished its first replenishment on Tuesday.

3. The commission of inquiry set up by Turkey last year interviewed Turkish and foreign activists on the flotilla.

4. " The new flotilla may face complicated situations and atrocious weather conditions in the region, " said Admiral Wu.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. All are paying close attention to the unprecedented deployment of a Chinese flotilla to Somali waters to join a global fight against increasingly rampant piracy.

6. Israel's Gaza policies came under scrutiny in May after its marines killed 9 Turkish activists in a flotilla trying to reach the Palestinian enclave.

7. flotilla的解释

7. The flotilla will be the fourth task force China has deployed to the region since the end of last year.

8. The flotilla is on their escort mission to fend off Somali pirates.

9. As a small flotilla of boats turned out to watch the giant liner pull away, passengers lining the ship's balconies waved Union Jack flags and threw streamers.

10. An international flotilla including US warships has stopped many attacks, but the area is too vast to keep all ships safe.

flotilla 英英释义



1. a fleet of small craft

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. a United States Navy fleet consisting of two or more squadrons of small warships