
flung [flʌŋ]  [flʌŋ] 







flung 基本解释

动词(尤指生气地)扔( fling的过去式和过去分词 ); 猛动(身体或身体部位); 粗暴地(向某人)说; 气势汹汹地(对某人)说

flung 网络解释

1. 猛冲:flump 砰然声 | flung 猛冲 | flunk out 退学

2. 抛、扔、摔(fling过去式):2. marble 大理石 | 3. flung 抛、扔、摔(fling过去式) | 4. crystal 水晶的、透明的

3. (急冲):? Flung (急冲) | ? Hit from behind (从背后被攻击) | ? Hit from In Front (从正面被攻击)

4. 扔,投,抛(主要一般是人):inject 注射,注入 | flung 扔,投,抛(主要一般是人) | propel 推进,

flung 词典解释


flung 单语例句

1. Survivors told coastguard officials the bodies of three babies who had died of hunger and exhaustion during the voyage were flung overboard.

2. The entire island is shaped like a crawling crocodile, with its long tail flung to one side.

3. The brakes would fail to function and she would be flung against a rock face at the end of the wire slide.

4. He flung the flaming bottle into the classroom where teachers were supervising students preparing for exams.

5. flung

5. He despaired and finally flung himself into the Miluo River in what is now Hunan Province.

6. My wife insisted I wash my face and while I did so she found my lip salve and flung it out the window.

7. Tables and chairs at the meeting room were flung into a mess and many team members got seasick.

8. But during a quarrel late last year at Yu's home, the woman flung sulphuric acid at his face.

9. flung是什么意思

9. Or so I thought, until this woman suddenly grabbed me and flung me into the middle of their circle.

10. The cook flung the kitten three times until it wasn't able to move.