名词飞灰; 飞尘; 浮尘
1. 飞灰:(3)飞灰(fly ash) 指燃料燃烧产生的烟气飞出的分散较细的灰分. (4)黑烟(smoke) 指由燃料产生的能见气溶胶. (5)雾(fog) 雾是气体中液滴悬浮体的总称. 在工程中,雾一般泛指小液体粒子悬浮体.
2. 飞尘:客运方面,空调头等车厢和空调双层车厢票价分别下调7%和4%,二等车厢票价下调5%,票价50卢比以上的郊区线二等车厢降价1卢比;货运方面,将现有210种价目合并为200个,缩小最高运费和最低运费之间的幅度,尤其将汽油和柴油的运费下调5%,飞尘(fly ash)的运费下调14%.
3. 灰:美国环保局去年的报告指出,燃煤副产品粉煤灰(fly ash)含大量致癌物,所含重金属密度也较高,人如果喝了遭粉煤灰污染的水,罹癌风险增加数百倍. 法兰西斯说,遭污染的范围约160公顷,影响范围较1989年艾克森美孚石油公司的瓦尔狄兹号油轮(Valdez)漏油事件还大.
1. So using fly ash to replace some of it would save money.
2. Inter were due to fly to Madrid on Friday but they may yet leave on Wednesday to avoid any possible ash disruption.
3. The railway company said in future it would invite bids from coal fly ash suppliers to safeguard the quality of future supplies.
4. Yet waste such as coal fly ash, mine slag and gypsum are ideal raw materials for cement.
5. fly ash的翻译
5. Any airspace in which the ash density exceeds 4 mg per cubic metre is categorised as a no fly zone.
1. fine solid particles of ash that are carried into the air when fuel is combusted