


folders 基本解释
文件夹( folder的名词复数 );纸夹;文件夹;页面叠;
folders 网络解释

1. 折页:直邮形式主要有销售信函(Sales Letters)、明信片(Postcards)、折页(Folders)和手册(Brochures)、内部刊物(house organs)、目录(Catalogs)等等. 直邮广告具有针对性强、便于控制、便于测评广告效果等特点,但是成本较高.

2. 文件夹:• 文件夹(Folders)现在可以利用拖放式用户界面(UI)来按类别组织应用程序,能够智能命名和保存2160个应用程序,大大多于原来的180个. • 游戏中心(Game Center)支持社交游戏网络和其它功能,有5万多个游戏应用.

3. 資料夾:苹果将其iPhone OS 4.0中提供的众多新功能,归类出7组营柱(Tentpole)功能:多工处理、应用程式资料夹(Folders)、电子邮件功能强化(Enhanced Email)、iBooks电子书、企业用户需求功能(Enterprise)、游戏中心(Game Center)、iAd广告平台与机制.

4. 集合:提供文件夹中子文件夹的列表:Folder对象:检查和处理文件夹 | Folders集合:提供文件夹中子文件夹的列表 | Textstream对象:读写文本文件

folders 单语例句

1. Instead, its interface mimicked a physical desktop with folders and filing cabinets.

2. Picasa tries to do away with complexities such as file names and folders.

3. The study did not ask whether the junk messages people were getting more of were in spam folders or regular inboxes.

4. folders是什么意思

4. On the notebooks and folders are scribbled " For Men " and " For Women ".

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5. Zhu carries with him folders brimming with legal documents, newspaper clippings and a copy of the Chinese Constitution.

6. Apple has 20 places for icons and folders on its home screen, and each can contain 12 apps.

7. The Boulder Folders includes children as young as six to retirees in their seventies.