
followed ['fɒləʊd]  ['fɒloʊd] 






followed 基本解释
跟随,接着( follow的过去式和过去分词 );继承;接着;从事;
followed 网络解释

1. 跟随:49.C.那位侦探是抓犯人的,而他误认为我就是那名他要抓的那名犯人. 所 以,他是跟随(followed)我到了这个餐馆.

2. 跟随/遵照:follow-up /作为重复的/继续的/接着的/ | followed /跟随/遵照/ | foment /热罨/煽动/助长/罨/

3. 被跟踪的少女:被爱情遗忘的角落/A Love-Forsaken Corner | 被跟踪的少女/Followed | 被控告的人/The Man Who Was Accused

4. 后面:carrying a huge birthday cake ... 提了一个特大的生日蛋糕 | Followed 后面 | by my wife, 跟着我的老婆

followed 单语例句

1. METP therefore provides seven months of Business Chinese language training, followed by three months of practical training during internships in China.

2. followed是什么意思

2. METP provides seven months of business Chinese language training, followed by three months of practical training at internships in China.

3. An extended rally may include some days where there is a strong price retreat but then this is quickly followed by another up day.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. The US was the second largest trade partner, followed by Japan.

5. Shandong province is the top donor, followed by Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

6. It was to be followed by an address by Obama and Clinton to State Department employees.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Singer Ian Watkins was in fourth place, followed by Lloyd and Goody's boyfriend Jack Tweed.

8. The franchise first appeared in Wuhan, followed by Shanghai and Hangzhou.

9. They lead Group B with six points, followed by Brazil and Chile on three.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. France was by far the highest, followed by Italy and the United States.