
footbath ['fʊtˌbɑ:θ]  ['fʊtˌbɑ:θ] 

footbath 基本解释

名词洗脚,洗脚盆; 洗脚池

footbath 网络解释

1. 洗脚池:365 fly-free alternating 蝶式和自由式交替游 | 366 footbath 洗脚池 | 367 footwork 打水(腿)动作

2. 脚盆:footballer /足球员/足球选手/ | footbath /脚盆/ | footboard /踏足板/放脚台/竖板/

3. 脚盆; 洗脚 (名):footage 以尺计算长度, 影片的镜头, 尺数 (名) | footbath 脚盆; 洗脚 (名) | footboard 踏足板; 竖板; 放脚台 (名)

footbath 单语例句

1. footbath

1. But Ho doubted they would thrive in the warm water needed for a comfortable footbath.

2. I could remedy that with a hot footbath while we watched our evening programs together.

footbath 英英释义


1. a small bathtub for warming or washing or disinfecting the feet