
footnote [ˈfʊtnəʊt]  [ˈfʊtnoʊt] 


footnote 基本解释

名词脚注; 补充说明


footnote 反义词


footnote 网络解释


1. 注脚:各编号的意义(大部份配合MS Word摘要设定就能懂了):关於编码方式(Code Page)的重要值域:#3:文件(document)文字长度#4:注脚(footnote)文字长度#5:页眉(header)文字长度#6:巨集(macro)文字长度其中处理起来比较麻烦的是复杂格式,

2. 注解:但是对於一些不能确定的经文,只好作注解(footnote)说明. 例如,申6:4「耶和华我们的神是独一的主」,页尾注解「或作耶和华我们的神是一位主;或作耶和华我们的神,独一的主;或作耶和华我们的神,主是独一的」. 例如,

footnote 词典解释

1. 脚注
    A footnote is a note at the bottom of a page in a book which provides more detailed information about something that is mentioned on that page.

2. 补充;补充的信息
    If you refer to what you are saying as a footnote, you mean that you are adding some information that is related to what has just been mentioned.

    e.g. As a footnote, I should add that there was one point on which his bravado was more than justified.


3. 无关紧要的事;次要事件
    If you describe an event as a footnote, you mean that it is fairly unimportant although it will probably be remembered.

    e.g. I'm afraid that his name will now become a footnote in history.

footnote 单语例句

1. footnote

1. Three prosperous generations later, the whole affair was consigned to a footnote in Canton's history.

2. The sad news from Inner Mongolia was a lamentable footnote of such a need.

3. footnote是什么意思

3. But in considering the various proposals Bush's " surge ", fewer troops or redeployment of those already there the costs should be a footnote.

4. That guideline's specific numbers were eliminated from the text, but an indirect reference was inserted instead as a footnote.

5. footnote的翻译

5. The Occupy Wall Street movement that has spread to several hundred cities is probably more than a footnote to US politics in 2011.

6. Now Botou's bankruptcy plea turns the once proud company into a historical footnote.

7. As a footnote but very important is the large selection of wines available on the list.

8. The sorrowful incident in Heyuan is a new footnote on the exploitative nature of capital in the stage of primitive accumulation.

footnote 英英释义


1. a printed note placed below the text on a printed page

    Synonym: footer


1. add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments

    e.g. The scholar annotated the early edition of a famous novel

    Synonym: annotate